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Hi Ladies,

This is my first pregnancy, and I'll admit... I miss my wine more than I thought I would! I've tried a couple of the non-alcoholic wines available, and they're just not the same. I end up just making my own creation at home (mixing club soda with juice and add a lime, so it feels like a "big girl" drink)! I'm wondering - do other pregnant woman miss their alcohol? Is it the alcohol they're missing, or just the feeling of BUYING and DRINKING something that looks/feels alcoholic.

Please take my survey and let me know your thoughts! From one mama to another, thank you!
Did you drink alcohol before your pregnancy?
If yes, about how many glasses per week?
0-3 glasses per week
3-7 glasses per week
7-10 glasses per week
more than 10 glasses per week
Do you still drink alcohol during your pregnancy?
If yes, about how often and what kind of alcohol?
Do you intend to go back to your old drinking habits after you deliver the baby?
Probably not as much, now that I know how easy it is to cut back.
What are your favorite kinds of alcoholic beverages (check all that apply)
Red Wine
White Wine
Bloody Mary
Vodka Mix
Rum Mix
Gin Mix

Do you wish there was a non alcoholic substitute for alcoholic beverages that you could drink during your pregnancy?
Yes, I would love to have something that looks and feels like a cocktail, but without the alcohol.
No, I'm perfectly OK with not drinking anything that resembles alcohol during my pregnancy.
Are you comfortable going into a liquor store while pregnant to buy non-alcoholic beverages?
Yes, I'm comfortable going into a liquor store to buy non-alcoholic beverages, even if I'm showing.
No, I don't like going into the liquor store, especially when I'm showing.
Would you rather buy non-alcoholic beverages (wine, beer, mixers) at the liquor store, grocery store, or no preference?
Liquor Store, it would help me feel like I'm actually buying an adult beverage.
Grocery Store, it is more convenient.
Either or both, no matter to me!