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Press Survey

* Required questions
The following survey was designed to help us better understand your needs so that we can improve our toolbox.

Feel free to fill it out anonymously or leave your name so that we can adjust our methodologies individually.
(Optional) Name:
Please rate the answers to the following questions on a 1-5 scale, with 1 star being the least relevant and 5 stars being the most relevant.
1. The types of events I find most useful are:
* Roundtable briefings
* 1-1 meetings/interviews with experts/officials
* Conference calls
* Field tours
* Social/networking events
2. The Israelis I’m most interested in meeting are:
* Members of Knesset/state officials
* Diplomats
* Security experts/analysts
* Local government officials e.g. mayors, council members
* Middle East/Islam experts
* Israeli society experts
* Economic experts
* Religion experts
Other (please specify):
3. The Israeli communities I’m most interested in learning more about are:
* Ultra-Orthodox Jews
* National-Religious Jews
* Muslim Arabs
* Christian Arabs
* Druze
* Ethiopian Jews
* Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union
Other (please specify):
* 4. When I get an email from TIP I:
(Please select one answer)
Usually ignore it
Don’t always have time to go over it, unfortunately
Skim through it
Read it thoroughly sometimes
Read it thoroughly most of the time
5. The best way to get my attention on a regular basis is via:
* Email
* Call my cell
* WhatsApp
6. The best way to get my attention out in the field during crises is via:
* Email
* Call my cell
* WhatsApp
7. When out in the field, especially during crises, the following are most useful:
* Contacts of local residents
* Contacts of those directly involved/eyewitnesses
* Contacts of analysts/experts
* Fact sheets
* Maps
* Timelines of recent similar events
8. The services I need most when out in the field in times of breaking news:
* On the ground assistance – connecting to eyewitnesses & officials, providing access to unauthorized areas
* Technical assistance – Food and beverage, stationery, charging equipment, Wifi, lodging etc.
* Helpful background information & analyses
* Opportunities for social interactions with my counterparts to unwind
* 9. If TIP were to develop an app tailor-made for reporters with timely information, including features similar to those listed in the previous question, would you be likely to use it?
(Please select one answer)
Probably not
10. What else can TIP do in order to help you out?
11. The issue which I find most troubling when doing my work in Israel is:
12. Other helpful information/comments/questions you may have for us: