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Exit Survey
How long have you been a member?
Less than 6 months
6 months to less than 1 year
1 year to less than 3 years
3 years to less than 5 years
5 years or more
Why did you become a member? Select all that apply.
Wanted the membership benefits
Interest in member only events
Networking opportunities
You were given the membership
Needed to join for business reasons

Which of the following membership benefits are you aware of?
On-line access to conference presentations
Awareness and Advocacy on legislative and policy issues
Member's Only Directory of Professionals and Family members
Annual Conference discount rate
Quarterly Workshops

What type of membership do you have?
Gold-Organizations over 50 employees
Silver-Organizations under 50 employees
Family/Parent/Person with Autism
Overall, how satisfied are you with your membership?
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
How satisfied are you with the following features of your membership?
Very Dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied
On line Conference Presentations
Awareness updates on legislative and policy issues
Directory of Members
Annual Conference
Quarterly Workshops
Who purchased your membership?
Family member
Have you ever recommended our membership to somebody?
How likely are you to recommend our membership program?
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Somewhat unlikely
Very unlikely
Which of the following events have you attended in the past year? Select all that apply.
BCBA/AZ Autism Coalition Conference
DDD Service Delivery Conference
Lunch with Legislators

If you attended the annual Conference, why did you attend?
Professional CEU Credits
To hear the ABA professional speakers
To hear the Parent Track speakers
To stay connected with other members
Did not attend, no interest in the event
Could not attend, had other commitments

Do you have any suggestions for additional membership benefits or suggestions?