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Overall, how friendly were the hotel staff members?
Extremely friendly
Quite friendly
Moderately friendly
Slightly friendly
Not at all friendly
Overall, how professional were the hotel staff members?
Extremely professional
Quite professional
Moderately professional
Slightly professional
Not at all professional
How quick was the check-in process?
Extremely quick
Quite quick
Moderately quick
Slightly quick
Not at all quick
How clean was your room upon arrival?
Extremely clean
Quite clean
Moderately clean
Slightly clean
Not at all clean
How well did the housekeeping staff clean your room?
Extremely well
Quite well
Moderately well
Slightly well
Not at all well
How comfortable were your bed linens?
Extremely comfortable
Very comfortable
Moderately comfortable
Slightly comfortable
Not at all comfortable
Overall, how quickly did the hotel staff respond to your requests?
Quite quickly
Moderately quickly
Slightly quickly
Not at all quickly
How convenient were the hours of the food service options at our hotel?
Extremely convenient
Quite convenient
Moderately convenient
Slightly convenient
Not at all convenient
How delicious was the hotel breakfast service?
Extremely delicious
Very delicious
Moderately delicious
Slightly delicious
Not at all delicious
How pleased were you with the quality of the food offered at our hotel?
Extremely pleased
Quite pleased
Moderately pleased
Slightly pleased
Not at all pleased
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