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Dear Employee:

Thank you for your participation in this work survey. This survey consists of three (3) sections, as follows:

1. Your work styles.
2. Your leadership style preferences and
3. Your workplace and manager.

You will be presented with a variety of work related endeavors and questions. Please indicate your agreement or disagreement with each statement by selecting the appropriate answer for you.

There are no right or wrong answers, as your behaviors are what make you unique and your opinions are yours. Because your results may potentially be used as a basis for establishing work standards, it is important you answer the questions as honestly as possible.

Instructions: Please indicate your agreement with the statements shown as they apply to you, and choose the appropriate number to indicate to what extent you agree each statement.

For all questions, please use the following scale:

Strongly disagree
Moderately disagree
Moderately agree
Strongly agree

The information provided by you is confidential and will remain confidential between you and your employer.

To begin the survey now, please click the "I Agree" acceptance checkbox button below.

Thank you very much for your time and support.


Craig Ellis, PhD. Candidate
* I enjoy challenging work tasks that I can learn a lot from.
Strongly disagree
Moderately disagree
Moderately agree
Strongly agree
* I enjoy learning new skills, techniques, and approaches for my work.
Strongly disagree
Moderately disagree
Moderately agree
Strongly agree
* I often use logic to resolve complex work problems.
Strongly disagree
Moderately disagree
Moderately agree
Strongly agree
* I double check my work before handing it to my boss.
Strongly disagree
Moderately disagree
Moderately agree
Strongly agree
* It is easy for me to understand others’ feelings at work.
Strongly disagree
Moderately disagree
Moderately agree
Strongly agree
* I value cooperation over competition at work.
Strongly disagree
Moderately disagree
Moderately agree
Strongly agree
* I always keep my promises to others at work.
Strongly disagree
Moderately disagree
Moderately agree
Strongly agree
* I enjoy handling tasks and assignments with little or no assistance.
Strongly disagree
Moderately disagree
Moderately agree
Strongly agree
* I often volunteer for extra tasks at work.
Strongly disagree
Moderately disagree
Moderately agree
Strongly agree
* I enjoy thinking of new ways to get my work done.
Strongly disagree
Moderately disagree
Moderately agree
Strongly agree
* I sometimes lie to get myself out of trouble at work.
Strongly disagree
Moderately disagree
Moderately agree
Strongly agree
* When I feel that I have a good idea about how to get something done, I try to convince my coworkers/supervisor that it’s worthwhile.
Strongly disagree
Moderately disagree
Moderately agree
Strongly agree
* When I encounter difficulty with work tasks, I put them aside for later.
Strongly disagree
Moderately disagree
Moderately agree
Strongly agree
* I tend to get stressed out in tense situations at work.
Strongly disagree
Moderately disagree
Moderately agree
Strongly agree
* I like jobs that allow me to work as a part of a group.
Strongly disagree
Moderately disagree
Moderately agree
Strongly agree
* I am not bothered by stress at work.
Strongly disagree
Moderately disagree
Moderately agree
Strongly agree
Please provide your work email address.