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How long have you been employed at RC Willey?
How would you rate the following about the RC Willey Computer System?
User Friendly
Time Consuming
Finding Important Info (stock availability, delivery dates etc.)
How far into employment would you say you were comfortable navigating the computer system?
After the First Day
After the First Week
After the First Month
Still not comfortable
How often do you conduct surveys?
What are the top three things that contribute to a sell for you personally?
Item is in Stock
Speed and Ease of Checkout
Product Knowledge
Asking for the Close
Niceness of Salesman
RC Willey Special Sells
Price Match Guarantee

What are the top three reasons for you personally that a customer leaves the store without buying?
Out of Stock
Prices are too high (uninformed about price matching)
Wasn't helped by a salesperson
Not enough product
No Product Knowledge
Too Pushy

What percentage of the RC Willey Computer System are you comfortable and familiar with?
How would you feel about learning a new computer system?
Love it
Hate It
How do you currently feel about RC Willey's computer system.
I hate the current system, it is outdated and needs to go.
It would be nice to see an update.
I am comfortable with the system already.
I love the current computer system, please don't ever change it!
Please enter any additional comments or thoughts about updating the RC Willey computer system