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Exit Survey
The goals of the Staffing Excellence Initiative are to document and assess the current state of STRATIS staffing. To develop a full view of this process, we need your perspective.

This is not an assessment of your ability as a recruiter, and the information you provide will be anonymous, so we invite you to be completely honest. Your information will help us gain a better understanding of the processes that follow the full lifecycle staffing process and will shape our recommendations for improvement.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Hannah Lansing ([email protected]).
Please fill each blank with the percentage of time you devote to each task (total must be equal to 100). If the activity is something that you do not undertake in your day to day, please fill in as 0.
* What percentage of your time do you spend on each task within Requisition Creation?
Gathering requirements
Writing requisitions
Posting requisitions
Adding requisitions to Taleo
Collaborating/consulting with Program/Hiring Manager
Approving requisitions
Values must add up to 100
* What percentage of your time do you devote to each task within Sourcing and Screening?
Creating sourcing strategy
Emailing candidates
Email campaigns
Screening resumes
Phone screens – external candidates
Phone screens – internal candidates
Job boards (Monster, Clearance Jobs, etc)
Internal sourcing (Taleo, RTS, TIP/TalentVine, Halogen)
Social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
Networking referrals – external
Networking referrals – internal
Participating in hiring/networking events
Tracking (Taleo, RTS) (i.e. moving through process, note-taking)
Values must add up to 100
* What percentage of your time do you devote to each task within Candidate Submission and HM Phone Screen?
Crafting submissions
HM feedback, consultation
Scheduling HM phone screens
HM feedback, consultation following phone screens
Tracking candidates (Taleo or other)
Values must add up to 100
* What percentage of your time do you devote to each task within Interview and Selection?
Scheduling interviews
HM feedback, consultation following interviews
Chasing documentation and/or HM feedback
Tracking candidates (Taleo or other)
Values must add up to 100
* What percentage of your time do you devote to each task within Interview and Selection?
Offer, salary consultation with HM
Negotiating offers with candidate
Offer generation
Tracking candidates (Taleo)
Values must add up to 100
* What percentage of your time do you devote to each task within Onboarding?
Candidate communication, i.e “hand-holding” (if cross-over or extended period of time between offer accept and start-date)
Communication with HMs
Tracking (Taleo, or other)
Coordination with security (background investigation, drug screen, etc.)
Values must add up to 100
Please provide the average time it takes to complete each step of the staffing process.
How many days does it take to complete each step for Requisition Opening?
From notification of opening to requisition creation
From requisition creation to requisition approval
From requisition approval to requisition posting