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Please rate Achievement of objectives:
Row 1
External Impulse
Networking opportunity 
Please rate the following sessions on usefulness of content 20th July, 2017
Opening Address and Regional OSH Landscape: Mr.Ravi Kirpalani
Address by External Speaker - Mr.Thomas Verghese
Global OSH perspective: Dr.Anja Berkenfeld
CEO Panel Discussion
Kiosk Activity
Employee Assistance Program: Dr.Silke Wiedemann
Row 7
Please rate the following sessions on usefulness of content 21st July, 2017
Work-Group Discussions
Pathways to Safety - lead by Dr. David Maus
Quiz on OSH
 Overall Experience 
 Venue, Hospitality & Administrative Facilities:
Overall rating of the Conference:
Overall Experience
Overall rating of the Conference:
Row 2
Comments/Suggestions: Please mention the session that you liked the most and why
Please mention the session that you liked the least and why
What additional topics would you like such a Conference to cover?
Any other suggestions?