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We would like to invite you to be one of the first to TRIAL a new product, to aid you in instilling eye drops medication into your eyes, called 'TARGETSEYEDROPS4U'
Your feedback would be most appreciated.
Thank you for taking part in the trial.
How easy did you find ‘TARGETSEYEDROPS4U’ to hold & use?
very easy
very difficult
Overall how effective did you find ‘TARGETSEYEDROPS4U’ for instilling eye drops into your eyes?
extremely effective
very effective
somewhat effective
not effective
very not effective
What size ‘TARGETSEYEDROPS4U’ do you prefer using to instill eye drops into your eyes?
Overall, how satisfied are you with ‘TARGETSEYEDROPS4U’
Extremely Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Unsatisfied
How likely would you be in recommending ‘TARGETSEYEDROPS4U’ ? to a family member or friend?
Extremely likely
Very likely
Somewhat unlikely
Extremely unlikely
How interested would you be in purchasing ‘TARGETSEYEDROPS4U’ if it became available & were inexpensive & affordable?
Very interested
Somewhat interested
Not very interested
Not at all interested
Compared to other eye drop aids that are available, would you say that 'TARGETSEYEDROPS4U' is
Much better
Somewhat better
About the same
Somewhat worse
Much worse
Don't know or never used
What age group do you fall into?
20-30 yrs.
30-40 yrs.
40-50 yrs.
50-60 yrs.
60 & over yrs.