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TaxTrax New Project

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TaxTrax: R&D Survey

Under the new R&D Tax Incentive laws, companies claiming the R&D Tax Incentive must keep records of their activities to substantiate their claim. Completing this survey 3 times a year will build a log of the activities you have conducted and a record the documentation you have for each activity.

This is a short survey with the following 3 sections:

1. Project Information
2. Eligibility
3. Literature Review/ Benchmarking
4. Core Activities
5. Supporting Activities
* Name:
* Company:
* R&D Project Name:
Uses of Information
QuestionPro is a web-based service for conducting surveys. Any information shared with QuestionPro during the creation of a survey is owned solely by the administrator of that survey (ie Swanson Reed) . By the nature or how our service works, surveys need to be shared via a URL on the Internet. Data collected through surveys is owned solely by the survey administrator. By default, the data is only accessible by providing a username and password and logging into the site.

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1. Project Information
Please provide a brief background of your project
What are your technical objectives?
What technical challenges you are currently facing?
What experiments are you currently conducting?
2. Eligibility
Which of the following best describes your project:
New product
Improved product
New process
Improved process
None of the above
Have you planned out the project and worked out the time frame of completion?
Is your project based on engineering or science principles or 'know how'?
Have you recorded the potential issues and recorded the potential level of failures?
Do you have the rights to use the technology?
Are you aiming to exceed statutory standards/spec requirements
Not Applicable
3. Literature Review/ Benchmarking
How is your project different to an existing product or process? Examples of differences could relate to: features, cost effectiveness or quality.
Who is your nearest competitor? Please provide a link to their website.
What is the closest product that your competitor offers as a solution? If there is no other product like yours on the market, who is solving the same problem in a different way?
4. Core Activities
Key R&D activities are separated into Core Activities and Supporting Activities.  Please answer these questions with regard to your current activities only.

From the list below, please select the Core Activities that you are currently working on (select all that apply).
Design concept
Trials and analysis
None of the above. I am still researching the project.

Design Concept:

Please select any documentation you have for your design concept (select all that apply):
Initial concept/rough sketches
Iterations of concept/rough sketches
Initial engineering/technical drawings
Iterations of engineering/technical drawings
Project scope/test parameter revisions via memos/emails or formal reports
Initial test reports, showing data collected
Internal feedback documents or emails
Logbook/error log records
3D CAD model
Photographs of rapid prototype
Screenshots of test screens
Photographs of alpha prototype components
Build notes and test notes
System/component integration plan
Revised system/component integration plan


Please select any documentation or records you have to for the development phase of the project (select all that apply):
2D or 3D sketches or drawings in soft or hard copies
Photographs or video recordings of various stages of development
Photographs of mock up presentations
Project reports on prototyping
Records of failed attempts
Shelf-life studies
Scaled-up production trial results
Records of design modifications

Trials & Analysis:

Please select any documentation or records you have to for the trials & analysis phase of the project (select all that apply):
Laboratory test results
Pilot runs test results
Preliminary small batch commercial trial results
Analysis and recommendations based on test outcomes
Technical feedback and related email communications
Logbook of pilot trials or other tests conducted
Design of new test protocols
Post-trial discussions and analysis report

Thanks for updating your Core Activities
5. Supporting Activities
Supporting activities can be separated into two areas:

1. Background Research
2. Feedback R&D
1. Background Research

Please select any activities that you are currently working on:
Concept/ Mind Map
Literature review of existing product or technology
Literature review of a component product or technology
Third-party technology or component specifications review
Analysis of competitor products/services
Initial testing of the concept leading to revision of hypothesis
Establishing test parameters
I am not currently working on any activities relating to background research

Concept/ mind map

Please select the documentation you have for the concept/ mind map of the project:
Drawings/ sketches of the intial design/ concept
Design / concept discussions via email
Meeting minutes of discussions about the design/ concept
Business plan

Literature review of products

Please select the documentation you have to show you conducted a literature review of existing products or technology:
Product/ service related literature review
Spreadsheet or document detailing products on the market
Discussion regarding competitor products via email
Screenshots or PDFs of competitor products/services

Literature review of a component

Please select the documentation you have to show you conducted a literature review of a component product or technology:
Component-related literature review
Spreadsheet or document detailing similar component products or technology
Discussion regarding component products or technology
Screenshots or PDFs of component products or technology

Competitor Analysis

Please select the documentation you have to show you conducted an analysis of competitor products/services:
Competitor analysis report
Spreadsheet comparing competitor products/ services
Discussions about competitor products via email

Revision of hypothesis

Please select the documentation you have to show you conducted initial testing of the concept leading to revision of hypothesis:
Initial test results
Initial test report
Discussions about initial tests via email
Meeting minutes about initial tests

Establishing test parameters

Please select the documentation you have to show how you established test parameters
Trial plans to establise test parameters
Build plans

Thanks for updating your activities relating to background research. Please press 'Continue' to complete the rest of the survey
2. Feedback R&D

Please select any activities that you are currently working on:
Field tests
Project modifications based on client feedback
Project modifications based on trial data
Beta tests
Design modifications to meet statutory requirements
Project debrief
I am not currently working on any activities relating to Feedback R&D

Field Tests

Please select the documentation you have to show you conducted field tests:
Field test reports
Field test results
Discussion regarding field tests via emails

Project modifications: Client feedback

Please select the documentation you have to show you conducted project modifications based on client feedback:
Client emails
Client feedback submissions
Client questionnaires/ surveys
Client audio recordings
Internal emails discussing modification based on client feedback
Minutes of meeting discussing client feedback
Design modification photos, sketches or screenshots made due to client feedback

Project modifications: Trial data

Please select the documentation you have to show you undertook project modifications based on trial data
In-house trial results
Field trial results
Reports detailing modifications based on trial data
Discussions via email regarding modifications based on trial data
Minutes of meetings modifications based on trial data
Design modification photos/ sketches or screenshots due to modifications based on trial data

Beta testing

Please select the documentation you have to show you conducted beta testing:
Beta test results
Beta test reports
Logbook records
Discussion of beta test results via emails

Design modifications: Statutory requirements

Please select the documentation you have to show you conducted design modifications to meet statutory requirements:
Reports regarding modifications to meet statutory requirements
Discussions via email regarding modifications to meet statutory requirements
Minutes of meetings regarding modifications to meet statutory requirements
Design modification photos/ sketches or screenshots due to modifications to meet statutory requirements

Project debrief

Please select the documentation you have to show that you conducted a project: debrief:
Minutes of meetings regarding a project debrief
Project debrief report
Project debrief discussion via email

Thanks for updating your Supporting Activities. You have now completed the survey, please press 'Submit'.
If you need help, please call us on 1800 792 676