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Exit Survey
Major level(s) of the English Language subject you teach.

Number of students in your English classes.
Less than 10
11 - 19
20 - 25
26 - 30
More than 30

Your English classroom arrangement.
In rows and columns
In small groups
Other (please specify):

Duration of your English lesson - a single period.
Shorter than 35 mins
35 mins
40 mins
45 mins
50 mins
Longer than 50 mins

Textbook(s) adopted for the English Language subject.
Commercially published
In-house materials
Other (please specify):

Your students' English proficiency.
Very good Good Weak Very Weak
Reading skills
Writing skills
Listening skills
Speaking skills
TBLT and you
Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree
You understand clearly what TBLT is.
You understand clearly what a task is.
You adopt TBLT in each of your English lessons.
Factors affecting your use of TBLT in your English lessons.
Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree
Duration of English lessons
Seating arrangement of the classroom
Number of students in English lessons
Format or design of the adopted textbook(s)
Students' English proficiency
Students' motivation towards learning English
Students' eagerness to interact among themselves in English
Students' use of mother tongue in English lessons
Focus of TBLT on oral interaction
Lacking an emphasis on English grammar or sentence structures
Time required for producing or adapting tasks
Skills required for producing or adapting tasks
What support do you want so as to make TBLT more workable in your English lessons?
What are your opinions about using TBLT in Hong Kong secondary English lessons?
Thank you for your efforts and brain-power

[End of the survey]