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Budget submission
Was submitted on Friday. Thanks God!
Will be submitted this week. Last final effort and we are there!
Will be finished only in Feb
It's never ending process...
Budget now is final (Select all that apply)?
Yes, we did it, not touching it anymore
Yes, but Plan rate will be still updated on 16th Jan
No, we would need to do another submission end of Jan
Yes, but quarterly numbers could change based on SJ feedback
Yes, there are only budget transfers that are pending, but Manish will manage it

GMV forecast this month
Was decreased in UK& DE by 2pts
Was kept flat in UK but decreased in DE
Was flat for UK &DE
Was flat vs. M2 on EU but re-balanced between DE and UK
What is GMV
Till the end of the year (Select all that apply)?
No risk, we are Kings of the forecast
Marketing...Hmmm we can do a bit of underspend
We can miss GMV by 25$M, but probably Take Rate will come better
It's all falling apart, just crossing fingers to finish this unpredictable year
Your version

Why Debbie went to Germany?
To take a look on remnants of the Berlin wall
To meet with the Team and work on Processes and Systems improvement
To party in Berlin
To run Berlin Marathon
This week it's important for my rating to do
Self assessment
Buying nice present for my boss
Start finally working this year
Find out what is all this fuss about rating
This meeting was interesting for me
No, waste of time
I was there, but didn't hear anything interesting
I'm kinda fine
It was good, but there is space for improvement
Oh, yeah! I really liked it!
What would you change in this meeting to make in valuable/interesting: