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Questions Commonly Asked About WISH

What is WISH?
WISH (Women & Infants Survey for Health) is an annual survey conducted by the Florida Department of Health. our purpose is to find out why some babies are born healthy and others are not. To do this, our questionnaire asks new mothers questions about their behaviors and experiences around the time of their pregnancy. Each year in Florida there are hundreds of babies born with serious health problems. Many of these babies die. We need your help to find out why. No matter how your pregnancy went, your answers will help us learn more about ways to improve the chances for future mothers and babies in Florida.

Will my answers be kept private?
Yes - all answers are kept completely private to the extent permitted by law. All answers given on the questionnaires will be grouped together to give us information on Florida mothers and babies. In reports from this survey, no woman will be identified by name.

Is it really important that I answer these questions?
Yes! Because of the small number of mothers picked, it is important to have everyone's answers. Every pregnancy is different. To get a better overall picture of the health of mothers and babies in Florida, we need each mother selected to answer the questions. From the information you give us, we may be able to improve health care for women and children in Florida. We need to know what went right as well as what went wrong during your pregnancy. Your help is really important to the success of our program.

Some of the questions do not seem related to health care - why are they asked?
Many things in a mother's life may affect her pregnancy. These questions try to get the best picture of the new mother's health care and things that happened to her during pregnancy.

How was I chosen to participate in WISH?
Your name was picked by chance, like in a lottery, from the state birth certificate registry. You are one of a small number of women who were chosen to help us in this study.

What if I want to ask more questions about WISH?
Please call us at our toll-free number 1-800-922-7475, and we will be happy to answer any other questions that you may have about WISH. If you prefer to complete the questionnaire over the telephone, please call us on the same number.

1. How tall are you without shoes?
2. Just before you got pregnant with your new baby, how much did you weigh?
3. What is your date of birth?
4. Before you got pregnant with your new baby, did you have any other babies who were born alive?
Did the baby born just before your new one weight 5 pounds, 8 ounces (2.5 kilos) or less at birth?
Was the baby just before your new one born earlier than 3 weeks before his or her due date?
5. At any time during the 12 months before you got pregnant with your new baby, did you do any of the following things?
a. I was dieting (changing my eating habits) to lose weight
b. I was exercising 3 or more days of the week
c. I was regularly taking prescription medicines other than birth control
d. I visited a health care worker and was checked for diabetes
e. I visited a health care worker and was checked for high blood pressure
f. I visited a health care worker and was checked for depression and anxiety
g. I talked to a health care worker about my family medical history
h. I had my teeth cleaned by a dentist or dental hygenist
6. During the month before you got pregnant with your new baby, what kind of health insurance did you have? [Please check ALL that apply]
Private health insurance
I did not have any health insurance during the month before I got pregnant
Some other kind of health insurance. -> Please tell us:

13. How many weeks or months pregnant were you when you had your first visit for prenatal care? (Do not count a visit that was only for a pregnancy test or only for WIC (the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children).)
Weeks Months I did not go for prenatal care