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Please answer this survey honestly, your answers will be anonymous. We appreciate feedback from all our readers and want to make The Bell better with every issue, but we can only do it with your help! It is also crucial that we get an idea of how popular The Bell is so that we know how many issues to print. Thanks!
Do you have any suggestions for improving The Bell in future issues?
To what extent do you think printing issues of The Bell is a good use of the Universalis budget?
Very bad use
Bad use
Good use
Very good use
(If you received new copy) Did you make a donation?
(if you received a new copy) Did you pass on your copy to someone else after reading it?
How did you access The Bell issue #2?
I received a (new) copy at the launch party
I received a (new) copy at another point at UCM
Someone gave me a copy after they had read it
I read the online version
To what extent did the content satisfy your expectations of a UCM magazine?
Very Unsatisfied
Very Satisfied
How much of this issue did you read?
one or two pieces
About half
Most of it
All of it
Would you be interested in contributing to future issues of The Bell?
Did you contribute to this issue or previous issues of The Bell? (select all that apply)
I contributed to this issue but my contribution was not included
I contributed to this issue and my contribution was included
I did not contribute to this issue
I contributed to the previous issue
I did not contribute to the previous issue