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The China Greentech Initiative (CGTI) Presents Gre

The China Greentech Initiative (CGTI) Presents Greentech Project Intelligence
Exit Survey »
Did this event meet your expectations? (Please select one)
Above expectations 超出期望值
Met expectations 达到期望值
Below expectations 达不到期望值
How satisfied are you with each of the following event criteria? (10 = Very Satisfied ; 1 = Very Dissatisfied)
请您根据以下标准,按照1-10的等级,评价对此活动的满意度? (10 = 非常满意; 1 = 非常不满意) N/A :本栏目(对我)不适用
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 N/A
Topic Value 活动主题价值
Networking Opportunity 社交机会
Learning Opportunity (are there take-aways I will bring back to my office?) 学习机会(是否学到有意义的)
Speaker Effectiveness Elle Carberry - 演讲者效果
Q&A Session 提问回答环节
Location 活动地点
Time is suitable 时间合适
Overall, the session offers more value to me as a member 总体而言,我作为一个会员觉得很受益
What motivated you to attend this event? (Please select the most relevant)
是什么促使您参加此次活动? (请选择最为相关的因素)
Business Development/Networking 业务发展/社交机会
Relevant to my job function 有关我的工作职责
Relevant to my industry/company 有关我的行业/公司
The speaker(s) sounded interesting 演讲者背景听起来有趣
The topic sounded interesting 活动主题听起来有趣
How did you learn about this event? 您是通过何种途径知道该活动?
Website 网络
Chamber's email 商会邮件
Colleague referral 同事推荐
From AmCham Shanghai staff 从商会工作人员处获悉
Would you be interested in attending similar events organized by AmCham Shanghai in the future? 今后,您是否有兴趣再参加商会组织的类似活动?
Yes 是
No 否
If yes, please list your interested topics 是,请列出您感兴趣的话题:

How likely are you to recommend attending a similar event to a colleague, member, and/or non-member?
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 N/A
10 = Very Likely ; 1 = Very Unlikely (10=非常有可能; 1= 非常不可能)
How often would you consider attending similar events? 您会多久参加此类活动呢?
Once a month 一月一次
Every 3 months 三个月一次
Every 6 months 半年一次
Once a year 一年一次
Suggested Future Topics/Additional Meeting Feedback: 建议未来的活动主题/其他反馈
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