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Check off the following that apply to you:
Born in the US
2 Parents Born in the US
1 Parent Born in US
4 Grandparents Born in US
3 Grandparents Born in US
2 Grandparents Born in US
1 Grandparent Born in US
0 Grandparents Born in US
What is your age?
Younger than 18
18 - 24
25 - 34
35 - 44
45 - 54
55 - 64
65 or older
Prefer not to answer
What is your gender?
In the past 10 years have you lived for more than 1 year in 1 of these states? (If yes, select the state that applies)
New Mexico

What is the highest level of education you have achieved?
Less than high school degree
High school degree or equivalent (e.g. GED)
Some college but no degree
Associate degree (e.g. AA, AS)
Bachelor's degree (e.g. BA, AB, BS)
Master's degree (e.g. MA, MS, MBA)
Professional degree (e.g. MD, DDS, JD)
Doctorate degree (e.g. PhD)
How concerned are you with the following:
Strongly Concerned Somewhat Concerned Not Concerned Strongly Not Concerned
I am concerned about the volume of LEGAL immigrants to the US
I am concerned about the volume of ILLEGAL immigrants to the US
To what degree do you support the following immigration policies:
Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
Grant Amnesty to America's current illegal immigrants
Grant automatic citizenship to children of illegal immigrants
Allow illegal immigrants to work toward citizenship
Strengthen America's borders
Random Police checks of immigration status
Forced deportation of illegal immigrants
Fines for employers who employ illegal immigrants
Raids on locations identified as a haven for illegal immigrants
Create a temporary worker visa to stem illegal immigration
Create a guest worker program to stem illegal immigration
Allow some illegal immigrants to stay if their skilled workers
To what degree do you have concerns about Illegal immigration:
Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
Takes jobs needed by current citizens
Net Effect is the drain of the welfare system
Drive down wages because of willingness to work for low pay
Negatively changes the ethnic mix of the country
Negative impact on voting behavior
To what degree do you feel illegal immigrants are an asset to the United States:
Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
Takes low paying jobs that nobody else wants which assist economy
Stimulates the economy with more tax payers
Adds to the cultural diversity of the country
Stimulates economy by establishing small businesses
Stimulate the economy by providing more consumers