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You are invited to participate in the survey "The Impacts to the Facility Management under the Current Urban Tree Management Policy in Hong Kong". In this survey, approximately 20 people will be asked to complete a survey. It will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.
* 1. Your position:
Managerial (e.g. Director, Manager)
Technical/ Supervisory (e.g. Supervisor, Facility Officer)
Frontline (e.g. Facility Assistant)
* 2. Your work experience (Year):
* 3. Your highest education level:
Master or above
* 4. What type of property/ facility do you manage?
* 5. How many trees (Diameter at breast height is larger than 95mm at 1.3m height above the ground level) in the venue do you manage?
1001 or above
6. How often do you arrange tree inspection in the venue?
No regular tree inspection. If receiving complaints, tree inspection would be arranged for that tree
Once biennially
Once annually
Twice annually
More than twice annually
7. What specification of tree inspection do you arrange in the venue?
With reference to the Tree Management Office’s recommendations, using Tree Group Inspection Form (Form 1) and Tree Risk Assessment Form (Form 2) by competent person (e.g. Registered Landscape Architects, Certified Arborist by International Society of Arboriculture, etc.)
Seeking advice by outsourced landscape consultants or contractors and using their suggested tree inspection forms or reports
Writing a full report by competent persons with recommendations (e.g. Registered Landscape Architects, Certified Arborist by International Society of Arboriculture, etc.)
8. Please state the exact amount of the cost on tree inspection annually?
9. How often do you arrange the tree work in the venue? (e.g. Aerial pruning, termite and fungal control)
No regular tree inspection. If receiving complaints, tree work would be arranged for that tree
Once biennially
Once annually
Twice annually
More than twice annually
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