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Hello teachers of IEGS,

Your participation in this survey greatly helps my third year project about the GY11 reform and the changes that came with it.

Thank you for your help!
* In general, how satisfied are you with the swedish school system after the GY11 reform?
Very Unsatisfied
Very Satisfied
* To what extent do you support Skolverket's decision in incorporating the GY11?
I absolutely support it
I support it
I don't support it
I don't support it at all
* Do you think the GY11 reform was justified?
Maybe/I don't know
In general, how do you think these aspects of student health have changed since the GY11 reform?
Decreased No change Increased
* Stress in students have:
* Stress in teachers have:
* Motivation in students have:
* Motivation in teachers have:
* Performance anxiety in students have:
* Performance anxiety in teachers have:
* What examples below do you feel have had an affect on students' health (stress levels, anxiety, etc), if any?
The ABCDEF grading scale
Changed course outline
Confusion regarding grade criteria
The third year project as an ultimatum (fail=don't graduate)
More assignments, homework, and tests

* Skolverket has made the grade criteria largely built upon the teachers' interpretations - which may vary. Do you agree that criteria should be up to interpretation instead of being more specific?
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
* Do you think the GY11 reform created more inequality or unfairness in regards to grades?
Maybe/I don't know
* How has the GY11 changed your job as a teacher?
Grading takes more time
More time is spent on administration tasks
It's more difficult to decide what grade a student should receive
More attention is given to IT (learning how to use projectors, etc)
It's hard to identify an A student
It's hard to convince students that an A is not the previous MVG
No change

Comments regarding the project, the questions, or anything else that you'd like to add: