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You are being asked to participate in a survey research project entitled “Toe Juice,” which is being conducted by Noel Bracy, Angela Esparza, Natasha Lalani, William Loy, Cristine Marsteller, and Shelby Miller, students at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA). This survey is anonymous. No one, including the researcher, will be able to associate your responses with your identity. Your participation is voluntary. You may choose not to take the survey or to stop responding at any time. You must be at least 18 years of age to participate in this study. Your completion of the survey serves as your voluntary agreement to participate in this research project and your certification that you are 18 or older.

Questions regarding the purpose or procedures of the research should be directed to Dr. Ali Kanso El-Ghori at (210) 458-5356 or [email protected]. This study has been exempted from Institutional Review Board (IRB) review in accordance with Federal regulations. The IRB, a university committee established by Federal law, is responsible for protecting the rights and welfare of research participants. If you have concerns or questions about your rights as a research participant, you may contact the IRB Administrator at (210) 458-647 or [email protected].

Have you heard of a product called Toe Juice?
How familiar are you with Toe Juice?
Never heard of it
I am aware but have never used it
Use it only sometimes
Use it on a regular basis
What do you think this product is used for?
Other than the product itself, which of the following would most influence you when deciding to buy a Toe Juice?
Commentary on the Internet/Web site
Sales/service representative
Industry publications
Trade shows/events
Guarantee/warranty offers

How did you first discover this product was available for purchase?
Advertising - TV, newspaper, magazine, radio
Ad in another (product) - brochure, preview
Friends/Family/Someone told me about it
Read a magazine article/review
Saw it in the store/Browsing in store
Through the mail/mail catalog

Who would you expect to use the product?
Male Female
12 yrs. or younger
13-17 yrs.
18-24 yrs.
25-34 yrs.
35-44 yrs.
45-54 yrs.
55-64 yrs.
65+ yrs.
What is your age?
18-24 yrs.
25-34 yrs.
35-44 yrs.
45-54 yrs.
55-64 yrs.
65+ yrs.
What is your annual household income?
Below $20,000
What city are you from?