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Traditional Farmer Survey

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    • Please try to complete the survey in one session.The survey should take no more than 5-7 minutes to complete.
    • Do not use the "back" button in your browser.
  • If an error message appears, please check to make sure you answered all questions in the provided spaces.
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* In which state is your farming operation?
* Did you plant any of the following row crops in 2016 (select all that apply)?
None of these

* Did you grow any of the following types of crops in 2016? (select all that apply)?
Non-GMO corn
Non-GMO soybeans
Organic corn
Organic soybeans
Transitional crops to move toward organic production in the future
None of the above

* Do you intend to grow any of the following types of crops in 2017? (select all that apply)?
Non-GMO corn
Non-GMO soybeans
Organic corn
Organic soybeans
Transitional crops to move toward organic production in the future
None of the above

Reason 1:
Reasons 2:
Reason 3:
Any other reasons?
On a scale of 1 to 10, where 10 is very interested, and 1 is not at all, how interested are you in growing:

Not at all interestedVery interested
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
* Non GMO corn
* Non GMO soybeans
* Organic corn
* Organic soybeans
* You rated your interest level at 7 or below on one of the crops above. What would increase your level of interest in growing organic/non-GMO corn or soybeans?
Because of rising consumer demand for organic products, food companies have imported organic corn and soybeans from other countries. CoBank estimates that current consumer demand could sustain an additional 1 to 5 million acres of organic production.
What premium would be necessary for you to become seriously interested in organic production?
Premium per bushel for organic corn
Premium per bushel for organic soybeans
Premium per bushel for organic wheat
If the premium became large enough to entice you to grow an organic crop, what else would need to be available to you to grow organically (review each option below and select all that apply)?
Better agronomic advice
More organic products for weed, pest control
More machinery for mechanical cultivation
Neighbors trying it as well
More organic crop nutrition products
More on-farm grain storage to keep it separate
More financing
More land
More understanding landlords
Crop consultants specializing in organic production
More markets available

How do you think the return per acre compares between conventional corn and soybean production and organic corn and soybean production?

Organic returns much higher Organic returns slightly higher The return ends up being about the same Conventional returns slightly higher Conventional returns much higher Don't know
* Corn
* Soybeans
* From where do you receive the majority of your agronomic information and advice (select all that apply)?
Private crop consultant
Agronomic retailer
University extension
Seed companies/dealer
Chemical and fertilizer companies

Compared to traditional commercial row crop farmers, how would you describe organic growers of corn and soybeans?
How comfortable would you feel at a trade show that featured only organic production methods?
1 - Not at all comfortable
5 - Very comfortable
We will draw one name among farmers who complete this survey and award a $250 honorarium. The following information will be used only to award the honorarium.
First Name : 
Last Name : 
Address 1 : 
Address 2 : 
City : 
State : 
Zip : 
Email Address :