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First of all, I appreciate your co-operation in helping me understand what “transnational feminism” is, or can be. Your responses will be anonymous, your participation, voluntary. What I am trying to understand through this survey is how YOU, a feminist practitioner, perceive transnational feminism as a subfield/theoretical apparatus/methodology and I’ll compare your responses with my interview data and theoretical genealogy. A lot of the questions, including the one on "authors" represent what I gathered or analyzed from my interviews, aimed at understanding what transnational feminism means to different groups of feminists and what discourses are being received and circulated. That might explain any partiality or incompleteness. A "sample" as you know, can be, and usually is, representative.

The survey takes between 3 and 6 minutes to finish.

Participation is completely voluntary. You will be able to submit the survey even if you are unable or unwilling to answer all the questions. You must be 18 years or older to participate.

Please contact me if you need further clarifications at:
[email protected]

Again, thank you very much for your time and support. Please start the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

Where are you currently located?
United States
What is your occupation?
Graduate student
Faculty member
Independent scholar
Do you identify as a feminist (scholar/activist/educator/supporter of feminism)?
I want to explain.........
Have you heard about the term "transnational feminism?"
I have heard about something similar, which is......
How would you define transnational feminism?
Are you familiar with the following authors who have contributed to the field of transnational feminism? [Check the authors whose work you know, or have heard about]
Aili Mari Tripp
Amanda Swarr
Caren Kaplan
Chandra Talpade Mohanty
Constance Richards
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
Elora Halim Chowdhury
Inderpal Grewal
Jasbir Puar
Lata Mani
Manisha Desai
Mary Hawkesworth
Minoo Moallem
Myra Marx Ferree
Norma Alarcon
Piya Chatterjee
Richa Nagar
Ruth Frankenberg
Shahnaz Khan
Uma Narayan
Valentine Moghadam
Wendy Hesford
Wendy Kozol

Which of the following according to you, from what you have read/heard/researched/experienced are salient features of transnational feminism? [You can choose more than one response]
Is a body of theory
A feminist research methodology
Derived from Post Colonial, Post Structural and Postmodern discourses
Is different from international or global feminism
Is similar to international or global feminism
Created by diasporic feminists of color from the third world/global south
Created by indigenous feminist writers
Feminist response to the challenges of and dominant discourses on globalization
Is made possible by the new media
Incorporates cross national feminist collaboration
Belongs to the realm of academia
Belongs to the realm of non profit/NGO/radical activism

Do you believe that transnational feminism is an important, emergent field of study?
Do you believe that transnational feminism is a temporary “trend?”
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