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Hey there,

Thanks so much for participating in this survey about web designers/developers and what gets in the way of your success (success as you define it). This will only take 2-3 minutes to complete. The first couple of questions are about what you think gets in the way of having the success you want, followed by a few general questions about your business.

My goal with this survey is to:
1. Share the aggregated information with the web design industry so that people have a better picture of what web professionals are struggling with, and so that web designers will realize they are not alone in their concerns.

2. Use the results for the finishing touches on my 2014 planning for
With the results I'll be better able to recommend excellent resources and tools, write especially relevant blog posts, as well as design programs or support that cater to your specific needs.

If you'd like to know the results of the survey when they are ready, feel free to join the mailing list at Your information is completely safe with us, and of course you may unsubscribe at any time.

All survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact me by email at [email protected], or by completing the "contact" form at

Thanks SO much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.


Nina East
Award Winning Business Coach (International Association of Women in Coaching)
IAC Master Certified Coach
Professional WordPress Web Designer & Mentor to Web Designers

Founder, &

When you think about what prevents you from being as successful as you want, which of the following reasons are true for you? Please check all that apply.
I can't find enough clients to support my business.
I can't raise my fees because my clients won't pay that much.
My mindset (thoughts, feelings) gets in the way - either I don't really believe I can be successful at this, I get discouraged, or I don't do the things I know I should be doing to make my business successful.
I need better design/development skills to get started.
I need better design/development skills in order to charge more.
I spend so much time working (building websites) that I don't have time to look for new clients.
I'm good at what I do, but I don't know enough about how to run a business.
I hate marketing and the thought of "selling" myself.
I haven't found a skilled, trustworthy (and affordable) graphic designer to partner with.
I'm overwhelmed with everything I have to do.
I get uncomfortable when I start talking about my fees with prospective clients.
I let clients talk me into lowering my fee, even when I know my fees are appropriate or already low.
I need more help or information about how to run a web design business.
I don't really like being a web designer/developer, but I'm doing it because it's something I know how to do.
Please share anything else that gets in the way of your success.

Of the items you checked in the previous question, what are your top three concerns, in order starting with your #1 concern?
On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being "not at all" and 10 being "I really really need to deal with this", how important or urgent is it to YOU to overcome the top 3 challenges you identified?
Care to elaborate on why you picked that number?

If you could get the exact kind of help you want, what would it be?
Where do you get support for running and growing your business?
Nowhere - I basically wing it.
Self-study programs.
Online classes.
Business books.
Friends & colleagues.
A business coach who knows how to run a successful web design business.
Where else do you get help for running and growing your business?

How do you measure your business success?
The amount of money I make
The number of new clients/sites I bring on board each month
Being able to cover my bills and expenses each month
The impact I have on the success of my clients
How much I enjoy my work on a daily basis
How others (clients, colleagues, friends, etc.) perceive me and my success
What other ways do you measure your success?

How long have you been in business as a web designer/developer? (include part-time and full-time work).
Less than a year
1-3 years
3-5 years
More than 5 years
Do you work in your own business?
Full-time in my own business
Part-time in my own business
I'm not self-employed yet, but I want to be
I work for someone else and plan to keep on doing so
Do you describe yourself as:
Web Designer
Web Developer
It depends on who I'm talking to
If it depends, say a little about why you describe yourself differently - and to which audiences.