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You are invited to participate in our survey of the Werklund School of Education Peer Mentor Program, 2015-2016. The purpose of this survey is to gather observations and insights from graduate students on experiences, events and outcomes as a mentor or mentee in the Peer Mentor Program. Your responses and comments are essential in helping us to evaluate and strengthen the program.

Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact Dr. Deborah Lambert by email at the email address specified below:
[email protected]

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.
* My role in the Peer Mentor Program this year was:
A Mentor
A Mentee
*Please rate your level of agreement with the following 10 statements: Please answer as appropriate to your role as a mentor or mentee (1=Strongly Agree 4=Strongly Disagree).
1 2 3 4
a. Mentoring/being mentored* has been a rewarding experience.
b. Mentoring/being mentored* has been a worthwhile investment of my time.
c. I feel more connected to the graduate student community as a result of mentoring/being mentored*.
d. I feel more connected to my graduate program as a result of mentoring/being mentored*.
e. I believe I made a positive contribution to my mentee’s/mentor’s* social engagement in graduate school.
1 2 3 4
f. I believe my mentee/mentor interactions contributed to stronger academic engagement in graduate school.
g. I was able to access important information about the graduate program through my mentee/mentor* relationship.
h. I felt more successful in graduate school because of my involvement in a mentee/mentor* relationship.
i. I felt more satisfied in graduate school because of my involvement in a mentee/mentor* relationship.
j. In my mentoring/mentee role, I now feel more confident in my own leadership skills.
Please describe one or two highlights of your experience in the Peer Mentor program.
In what ways did a peer mentoring relationship make a difference in your graduate school experience this year?
In what ways did a peer mentoring relationship make a difference in your development as a leader this year?
Please provide 2 - 3 words that describe your peer mentoring relationship(s).
My mentor/mentee and I interacted the most during the months of: (check all that apply)

My mentor/mentee and I met: (check all that apply)
on a regular basis
on an as-needed basis
when there was a scheduled social event
during Thursday Graduate Seminars

For meetings, my mentor/mentee and I usually:
met in-person
connected over e-mail
connected over Skype
met in the online D2L meeting space
met using some other way to connect (please describe)