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What style of parent are you?

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How would you describe your approach to parenting?
A) Strict
B) Encouraging
C) Reliant
How would you describe the behavioural guidelines you have for your child?
A) Structured in a rigid way
B) Flexible
C) Very limited
How often are these behavioural guidelines followed?
A) Always followed
B) Sometimes followed
C) Rarely or never followed
How would you describe the type of relationship that you have with your child?
A) Distant
B) Close
C) A friendship
How do you think your approach to parenting makes your child feel?
A) Fearful
B) Happy
C) Dependant
How does your approach to parenting make you feel?
A) In control
B) Comfortable
C) Relaxed
How have you decided what parenting approach to follow?
A) Through listening to my parents and replicating their approach
B) Through both following my parents' approach and adding my own ideas
C) Through planning an approach based on parenting
Mostly A Answers
Authoritarian Parent
You follow an authoritarian parenting style which involves giving your child instructions about how to behave in a certain way and there is generally no opportunity for your child to ask and understand why they need to behave in this way. Also, your relationship with your child could be distant.
Mostly A Answers
Mostly A Answers
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