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Why did you choose the resource pool?
I wanted difference experience/to see different things.
I was unsure of what kind of nursing I wanted to do.
I had no other options at the time I wanted to begin my career.
To stay away from floor politics.
How long have you been a nurse?
Less than 12 months
1 to 3 years
3 to 6 years
6 to 10 years
greather than 10 years
How long have you worked for the resource pool?
Less than 12 months
1 year to 3 years
3 year to 6 years
6 years to 10 years
Greater than 10 years
Why do you choose to stay with resource?
I am satisfied with my current job.
I am still unsure of what kind of nursing I want to do.
I like the style of the management team.
I am afraid of change.
What is your highest level of education?
Associate's Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Master's Degree
What is your overall satisfaction with your role as a nurse in the Resource Pool?
Highly dissatisfied
Somewhat dissatified
Neither satisfied or dissatified
Somewhat satisfied
Highly satisfied
What is your overall satisfaction with the management/management style for Resource Pool?
Highly dissatisfied
Somewhat dissatified
Neither satisfied or dissatified
Somewhat satisfied
Highly satisfied
Was the resource pool your first choice?
I had no preference.
Would you recommend resource pool to others seeking a nursing career?
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