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Questions marked with an * are required Exit Survey
What is your speciality? (I.e. geology, engineering, chemistry etc.)
* Why did you choose a career in the geothermal sector?
I was interested in the subject
Institutional placement or inter-sector transfer
Job opportunity

* How long have your worked in the geothermal sector?
0-5 years
6-15 years
16-25 years
>26 years

* Do you have an academic education in studies related to geothermal/earth sciences? (you can choose more than one answer where applicable)
* In your opinion, has your gender affected your career progression?
If answered yes in question 5, have you gained any of the following opportunities based on your gender (in your opinion)?:
(You can choose more than one answer)
Yes No
* Promotions
* Trainings
* Increased responsibilities
* Conference attendances/participation
* Fieldwork
If answered yes in question 5, have you missed out on opportunities in your career for example promotions, training/conference opportunities, fieldwork, local and over-seas consultancy services etc. due to any of the following?
(can choose more than one answer)
Yes No
* Pregnancy
* Childcare
* Family responsibilities
* Sexual harassment
* Social conventional view as the weaker sex
Any suggestions on improving the above mentioned challenges in the geothermal sector?
How many of the following opportunities have you gained throughout your career in the geothermal sector?
0 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 >13
Trainings within your home country
Trainings abroad
Conferences within your home country
Conferences abroad
Number of people under your supervision
How much percentage do you think the workforce in the geothermal sector consists of women?
0-25% 26-50% 50/50% 51-75% 76-100%
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