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Age Range:

a. 21 and Under
b. 22 to 34
c. 35 to 44
d. 45 to 54
e. 55 to 64
f. 65 and Over
g. Decline

a. Male
b. Female
Is English your primary language?

a. Yes
b. No
Do enjoy reading?

a. Yes
b. No
What do you enjoy reading? (Please circle all that apply).

a. I don’t like to read anything
b. Novels
c. Science Fiction
d. Newspapers
e. Comic books
f. History
g. Journals
h. Educational texts

How much time do you spend on reading assignments per week?

a. 1 hour or less
b. Between 1 to 2 hours
c. Between 2 to 3 hours
d. More than 3 hours
When given reading assignments: (Please select the one that best describes your approach to reading assignments).
a. I read the entire reading assignment before attending the next class period.
b. I only skim the reading assignment for main points and ideas before attending class.
c. I wait until after the class lecture to read the chapter(s).
d. I do not read the assignments. If you do not read, please specify the reason(s) why in the space provided below.
When reading, which of the following do you do? (Select all that apply).
a. Take notes on a separate sheet of paper
b. Highlight the main ideas and key points
c. Paraphrase into my own words
d. Nothing, I do not read

Which of the following describes your experience when given a reading assignment? (Select all that apply).
a. I dread reading assignments
b. It is difficult to concentrate when reading because my mind wanders or I daydream
c. I often get sleepy when reading
d. After reading, I forget what I read
e. I get frustrated because I do not understand and remember what I read
f. I often read the assigned chapters twice to improve comprehension

How do rate your reading comprehension?
a. Very poor
b. Functional
c. Average
d. Above average
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