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Questions marked with an * are required Exit Survey
Are you thinking of taking ICT/iMedia or Computing for GCSE?
None of the above
* What has been your favourite topic to cover so far?
Movie Maker
Visual Basic
Web Design
* Please explain why you enjoyed that topic.
Please state if you agree/disagree with the following statements:
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
* Programming is hard
* Programming is more difficult then I thought it would be
* Switching between VB and Java was difficult
* Programming is useful
* What do you find hard about programming? Select all that apply.
Punctuation e.g. commas, brackets, full stops etc.
Finding and fixing errors
Changing between languages
Remembering how to write different constructs e.g. How to write an if statement
Putting together variables, if statements and loops etc.
Coming up with a solution independently
None of the above

How confident are you at using:
1 = Not confident at all, 2 = a little confident, 3 = pretty confident, 4 = very confident
1 2 3 4
* Variables
* If Statements
* Loops
* Combining these in one program
* Finding and fixing errors independently
* When giving a problem, I can work out how to write a program to solve it (without being given code to copy)
Is computing what you thought it would be when you began the year 9 option lessons?
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
If it wasn't what you thought it would be, please explain why.
Can you think of anything that you think would make programming easier to learn?
Any other comments or suggestions?