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How many times does your family dine out at East Adelaide restaurants or hotels?
Once a month
Once a fortnight
Once a week
Twice a week
More than three times a week
Do you watch Junior MasterChef with your children?
Yes but without them
Has Junior MasterChef affected your childrens decisions on meals when dining out?
Yes it has
No it hasn't
Not sure
Do you believe Junior MasterChef has taught you and your family the important role that fresh, quality ingredients play in a meal?
What restaurants or hotels do you dine in around the Eastern Adelaide Suburbs?
Do you dine at these restaurants because
Food is a tasty and healthy alternative for my children
My children can pick easily from the menu and be satisfied
The restaurant offers small versions of the adult meals for my kids
I don't take my children to these restaurants
Do you cook at home with your children? If so, what kinds of meals?
Is it easy for you to decide what your children will be eating when dining out?
Yes it is easy
No it is difficult
Sometimes it is easy, sometimes difficult
My children choose their meals and I'm okay with that
Would you like to see more restaurants and hotels around East Adelaide to introduce healthier versions of the old-fashioned meals on the childrens menu?
Yes, i would love it
No, its fine the way it is
Some new additions, but still have the old options
Have your dining expectations of these restaurants changed as a result of seeing the high quality meals on Junior MasterChef? Why/Why not?
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