Survey Templates Employee Evaluation Surveys Supervisor Evaluation Survey Questions for Feedback + Sample Questionnaire Template

Supervisor Evaluation Survey Questions for Feedback + Sample Questionnaire Template

The supervisor evaluation survey template and sample questionnaire help you track and measure the performance of your managers and team leaders. This sample online survey template is designed for employees to share their feedback on the manager.

Use this free questionnaire to evaluate the performance of the mid-level and senior managers and check if the employees are getting support. Know if they are facing any challenges or have concerns for the management staff. Check if the managers share feedback regularly with the employees.

You can customize this sample survey as per your needs and let the subordinates evaluate their supervisors.

In order to provide you the best support and career growth, it is important for us to know more about your relationship with your manager. You input will be invaluable in making sure that we are helping our management build a culture that employees can thrive in. 
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
My manager helps me achieve my goals
My manager follows through on commitments
My manager gives me feedback that helps me improve my work
I receive regular coaching and training from my manager
My manager is available for quick discussions
I receive recognition from my manager
I feel like my performance is fairly evaluated
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
My manager is open to feedback
My manager helps me advance in my career
My manager helps me achieve my personal goals
My manager conducts regular check-ins to give me feedback on how to better perform
Overall, I am satisfied with my manager
Considering your overall experience with your manager, how likely are you to recommend someone you trust to work with him/her?0 Very Unlikely to 10 Very Likely
Very Unlikely
Very Likely
Do you have any suggestions for your manager?

Top 3 reasons to use the supervisor evaluation survey template

Here are three key benefits of using the supervisor evaluation survey template.

1) Team satisfaction
Using this sample questionnaire, you can learn if the team is happy with their manager. You will get to know if the team sees the supervisor as a good leader and mentor and find them fit to lead the team.

2) Training areas
Managers and supervisors need training too to do their jobs effectively and efficiently. You can uncover which areas need attention and design training programs accordingly. Rather than conducting generic learning and development sessions, targeted sessions will get better results and help managers improve their performance.

3) Succession planning
If a manager is moving into a new role or a senior role, they must be well equipped for the new responsibilities. Using this template, you can evaluate the manager's readiness for the new role and plan for upskilling as necessary.

Top 3 Criteria to evaluate your supervisor's or manager's performance

Be mindful of these 3 criteria for effective evaluation of manager performance.

1) Confidentiality
Without open and honest feedback, there cannot be a proper performance evaluation. This can be ensured only with confidentiality. Your staff will only be candid and honest if they have a fear of negative repercussions. Do not just say that their feedback is confidential; tell them about the measures taken to ensure that too.

2) Clarity
Do not just take feedback, dig deeper, gather details, get to the root of the problem. It does not have to be calls or meetings, just have an open-ended question, and it might give you what you need. If there are concerns regarding the manager's performance, try and figure out which areas and how it can be improved.

3) Take Action
Finding pain areas is not enough; you need to remedy those quickly. Acting on the information you collect will not only help supervisors be successful but also reinforce to your staff that management cares about feedback and will act on it.