We had the privilege of speaking with Dr. Josef Köster, team leader customer segmentation, customer foresight, and innovation studies at BMW Group. His primary tasks include customer segmentation and target group analysis and applying panel research, mainly when looking to understand the product market.
To be able to react at short notice to market research inquiries from the respective specialist departments and carry out market research projects correspondingly quickly so that the respective specialist department can promptly make strategic decisions and based on high-quality data.
The overarching goal of the BMW Group is to respond quickly to inquiries from the relevant specialist department and, depending on capacity utilization, to carry out market research projects and panel studies either independently or with the help of the QuestionPro project team. The data collected from the worldwide QuestionPro panel must meet high-quality standards due to the customer-relevant implications of the decisions taken.
With QuestionPro market research tools are simplistic in implementation, BMW can conduct market research projects quickly and agilely in-house and with its own resources. When projects are running at high capacity, BMW relies on the QuestionPro project team for additional support. Full-service project requests can be implemented immediately with dedicated QuestionPro resources when requested.
In order to provide high-quality data initially determined to be a must-have by Dr. Köster is one person from a research team, QuestionPro uses an integrated Data Quality Check tool for the panel studies outsourced by BMW. The Data Quality Check tool uses intelligent algorithms to identify and sort out so-called "bad responses automatically".
QuestionPro is able to take advantage of 22 million members within the Audience program to conduct panel studies. Without having to go to an outside source, studies can be set up and conducted quickly.
QuestionPro's market research platform, with its easy-to-learn, high-performance, powerful, and technologically advanced tools, enables companies to conduct agile market research themselves. With QuestionPro, you can quickly and easily set up market research projects and automate market research processes as much as possible. Furthermore, our project teams offer you many years of experience from countless market research projects as a full service.