Check out our latest online survey and data intelligence webinars

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Research and insights

What's new in the QuestionPro Research Suitee

What's new in the QuestionPro Research Suite

Cracking the Consumer empathy code

The Future of Market Research Exploring Generative AI Capabilities

Cracking the Consumer empathy code

Cracking the Consumer Empathy Code with Communities

brand trackers

Brand Trackers 101: Because You Can’t Just Ask a Magic 8-Ball

Market research for startups

Market research for startups: From defining your idea to presenting your survey results.

The right data at the right time: How to share your insights for maximum impact!

The right data at the right time: How to share your insights for maximum impact!

consumer trends 2023

Consumer trends & marketing opportunities in 2023 and beyond!

insights repository

How an Insights Repository can supercharge your insights team!


Consumer trends in 2022 & beyond: A global outlook!

tools for pricing research

The price is right! Introduction and tools for pricing research

consumer outlook trends

2021 consumer outlook: Top trends that brands and marketers need to know

travel and tourism 2021

What does Travel & Tourism look like in 2021?

qualitative vs quantitative research

Qualitative Research vs Quantitative Research

turning perceptions into decisions

Turn pricing perceptions into decisions

Impactful choice-modeling for your research

Conjoint vs. MaxDiff: Impactful choice-modeling for your research

optimal research insights

Derive optimal research insights through Heatmap and HotSpot testing

measuring consumer behavior

Measuring consumer behavior during & after COVID-19

online focus group

Online focus groups - Take that, social distancing!

community recruitment

How to Recruit the Right Participants for your Community

Best practices

Multilingual Surveys

Explore the power of Multilingual Surveys

democratizing research

Democratizing research with Insights Hub

office hours question pro

Office hours with Kartik and Crystal

optimize with survey logic

How to use survey logic to optimize respondent experience

what to ask in surveys

Survey questions: When, how, and what to ask!

actionable business decisions

Cross-Tabulation: How to make actionable business decisions

contactless surveys

Contactless surveys with the Boston Convention Center

extraction logic

Deep dive into extraction logic

improve survey results

5 Awesome tools to improve survey results

card sorting survey method

Discover the magic behind the card sorting survey method!

online focus group

How to read a virtual meeting room using live polls



Build online trust and boost your VoC program with CX Reputation

ratings vs loyalty

Ratings vs Engagement: Building Real Loyalty

Deep Dive into SPARK Matrix VoC Report

Exclusive Deep Dive into SPARK Matrix VoC Report

CX Theory and execution

CX: Theory vs Execution

digital empathy

CX and Digital Empathy

Using data to move forward

AutoX in 2021 - OEM's Using Data to Move Forward

CX Innovation

Advancing Research: CX Innovation

connecting with customers

Connecting with Customers - InApp CX

cx fan experience

Fan experience after COVID-19

CX Data analysis

Observe From The Outside - Don’t Analyze CX Data in Isolation

CX Behind the Scenes


Unraveling Customer Centricity – The Danger of the C-suite's Simplified View | Season 2 | Episode 10 | CX Behind the Scenes


Why Connecting CX Strategy to Sales Initiatives is Critical | Season 2 | Episode 9 | CX Behind the Scenes


Business Impact Through Journey Analytics | Season 2 | Episode 8 | CX Behind the Scenes


CX Insights Through Storytelling | Season 2 | Episode 7 | CX Behind the Scenes


The Customer Service Experience: What's NOT Happening | Season 2 | Episode 6 | CX Behind the Scenes


Rising Above the Challenges: Being CX Resilient | Season 2 | Episode 5 | CX Behind the Scenes


Measuring and Improving CX Through Data and Analytics | Season 2 | Episode 4 | CX Behind the Scenes


From Data Collection to Action: Amplifying the Voice of the Customer | Season 2 | Episode 3 | CX Behind the Scenes


Aligning with Customers Around Their Jobs to be Done | Season 2 | Episode 2 | CX Behind the Scenes


People are People: How to Apply CX Principles in the Workplace | Season 2 | Episode 1 | CX Behind the Scenes


From Feedback to Action: Creating Earned Customer Advocacy | Season 1 | Episode 13 | CX Behind the Scenes


What Gives Life to the Experience Gap? | Season 1 | Episode 12 | CX Behind the Scenes


The Evolution of CX Leadership: Change as a Catalyst | Season 1 | Episode 11 | CX Behind the Scenes


EXcellence: How to Cultivate Loyalty and Ignite Employee Engagement for a better CX| Season 1 | Episode 10 | CX Behind the Scenes


Enhancing CX through Employee Feedback: The Benefits of Employee Listening| Season 1 | Episode 9 | CX Behind the Scenes


Unlocking Customer Delight: Harnessing the Power of Business-Driven CX Principles| Season 1 | Episode 8 | CX Behind the Scenes


VoC for Experience Design vs CX Performance Metrics | Season 1 | Episode 7 | CX Behind the Scenes


CX Fluffernutter-Buster: How to turn Voice of the Customer Programs into Profitable Strategies | Season 1 | Episode 6 | CX Behind the Scenes


Designing for Human Behavior: The Role of Social Science in CX | Season 1 | Episode 5 | CX Behind the Scenes


The AI Generation: How is it (already) shaping Customer Experience | Season 1 | Episode 4 | CX Behind the Scenes


Winning with your Net Promoter Score| Season 1 | Episode 3 | CX Behind the Scenes


An Engineer's Look at Customer Experience | Season 1 | Episode 2 | CX Behind the Scenes

cxbs ep1

How to Design Quality Customer Experiences | Season 1 | Episode 1 | CX Behind the Scenes

Employee experience

hybrid workforce

The Next Wave of People Analytics: Integrating Employee Surveys with AI for Deeper Insights

hybrid workforce

How to use the latest employee market insights to inform your continuous listening strategy

hybrid workforce

How employee listening can improve your DEI strategy

hybrid workforce

How to Keep Your Best People During a Chaotic Labor Market

hybrid workforce

Making Everyone Leaders

hybrid workforce

Building a successful hybrid workforce

remote employee engagement

Remote employee engagement: 4 Ways to tap into employee ideas

remote employee health check

Free Remote Employee Health Check

operational excellence

Turning Employee Experience Data into Operational Excellence

Webinars from 2018

CX Analytics

CX Analytics for the C-suite Predictive Analytics

Engage your Organization Effectively

How To Engage The Organization Effectively?

effective NPS program

The importance of understanding how to plan and run an effective NPS program

Actionable Insights

Actionable Insights - How Gannett Keeps A Pulse on The Markets and Identifies Advertising Opportunities

Correlation Analysis

Correlation Analysis 101

workplace cultures

In this edifying webinar, learn about workplace culture and how creating a blueprint can help organizations gain meaningful insights when they embark on major culture remodeling efforts. This webinar will provide organizations and individuals with the right tools to create the blueprint and stick to it.

higher ROI

In this informative webinar, learn the many ways that people are leveraging mobile approaches to make their online communities generate even higher ROI and how QuestionPro Communities' mobile tools and features will help accelerate your Mobile First initiatives.

gdpr regulation

In this informative webinar about GDPR, our in-house industry experts covered details about what the GDPR regulation is and what is QuestionPro's solution for GDPR compliance. This webinar also explained about the various components of GDPR and how is it going to be essential for organizations to be GDPR compliant.

evolution of trends in market research

In this insightful webinar, our market research experts explore the evolution and history of market research trends and help in identifying the real 2018 trends for market research.

customer experience manager strategy

In this insightful webinar, Craig Lee, independent Customer Experience transformist, speaker, advisor and coach shared with the audience the key strategies of customer experience management.

company culture

In the final part of the three-part webinar series we discussed workplace culture benchmarking and how to move the needles of culture.

Webinars from 2017

webinar cultures

In the second, of our three-part webinar series, we concentrated on culture management and metrics using the workplace genome and its 8 key attributes and how to align culture to drive organizational success.

CX professionals

CX professionals list organization engagement as a top challenge in realizing business results from their programs. In this webinar we discussed about how organizations need to be customer-centric not on by using the Net Promoter Score but also by implementing the CX program, that engages their entire organization.

workplace cultures one

In the first, of our three-part webinar series, we focused on why organizational culture analytics is important, aligning workplace culture with employee success and how to map culture using 8 key attributes like innovation, transparency technology and growth.

succesful CX program

The last of our three-part webinar series on creating a successful CX program. We go over "benchmarking", the process of evaluating your product in relations to other companies.

analytical insights

We focused on our latest research and analytical insights from our engagement and assessment data sets on what works in making our workplaces more positive and more productive.

customer satisfaction

Break through the traditional method of measuring customer satisfaction. In this month's webinar, you'll learn how to gather customer expectations and use this information to create more effective surveys.

workplace cummunities

In this webinar, you will learn how to choose the best approach to conducting qualitative research based on your business needs.

cx part 2

This three-part webinar series will cover practical approaches to creating a winning customer experience action plan. Join us for Part Two, where we'll define best practices and explore the benefits and of customer journey mapping.

cx part 1

This three-part webinar series will cover practical approaches to creating a winning customer experience action plan. In Part One, find out where to start with key CX metrics and best practices.

information security

In this webinar, we've brought together Information Security experts to discuss the evolution of Vendor Risk Management and its most common challenges for organizations while learning our top industry best practices.

nps to improve CX

Learn how to measure Net Promoter Score (NPS) to deliver a better customer experience. In this webinar, Shep Hyken discusses NPS and how you can use that to measure your customer experience and drive revenue.

improve data quality

Understand how to improve your data collection practices through better survey design methodology, tips to avoid response bias, variations in question styles, and optimal data analysis.

analyze survey data

In this webinar, get the best tips on how to make sense of quantitative data, from looking at the answers and survey goals, to crunching the numbers and drawing conclusions.

Webinars from 2016

communities taking over

Stay competitive with one of the newest research methodologies—Online Communities. Learn in this webinar factors that contribute to this method's success and the future of Online Communities.

millenial workspace

In today's day and age, millenials are taking over the workforce. Find out how to build, keep, and maximize engagement from millenials in the workplace.

survey brainstorming

The better the survey design, the better the data your survey will yield. In this webinar, learn how to gain deeper insights by using two simple brainstorming tactics.

survey design webinar

In this webinar learn how to design a survey that does what you want, how to turn survey goals into real survey questions and how to turn resources into insightful data.

get people to join your community

How to get people to join an online community, how to increase levels of engagement and participation and how to sustaining it over time. Learn in this webinar.

learn to set research objectives

Learn how to set research objectives, understand your audience, create the right survey questions, how to distribute and analyze your surveys, and how to make informed decisions derived from your surveys.

mobile research market

Experts deep-dive into mobile as the marketing measurement and data collection platform and provide a holistic view of current and future opportunities for marketers.

choice based cojoint analysis

This webinar reviews, how Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis, one of the most powerful analytics tool works and what business questions it can answer.

reward your top performers

How to create a system which makes sure that top performers get rewarded, that people are growing and developing, and performance is getting better over time

MaxDiff scaling

In this webinar, learn how MaxDiff Scaling works, how to get accurate consumer insights, why it is superior to rating scales and what business questions it can answer.

online community management

This webinar dives into four areas of online community management - Recruitment, Engagement, Data Collection and Rewards. Learn the tips and tricks to create your buzzing community.

authentic employer brand and culture

Find out how to use data to create an authentic employer brand and design the culture you want, rather than default to the culture you have.

ever changing customer demand

Learn how to develop products based on ever-changing customer demand. This webinar goes over product development lifecycle and shows how to get customers coming back for more.

transform detractors into promoters

In this webinar learn how to take proactive steps to follow up with dissatisfied customers and transform your detractors into promoters.

acquire and retain talent

If you love the new hire of yours, chances are, your competitor wants him too. Learn how to acquire and retain your top talent.

Webinars from 2015

product webinar

In this webinar, our experts share how to adopt a customer-centric culture and involve customers in your product development process to build amazing products.

engage your community members

Learn how to engage community members, how to collect relevant insights from the holiday campaigns and utilize the insights to keep engagement after the holiday season.

customer experience value

Learn how to engage enthusiastic customers in order to turn them into a powerful marketing force and capture the value that stems from customer satisfaction.

customer engagement

Find out why customer engagement is so important, how it can improve your customer experience and how QuestionPro Communities, can provide the right environment and tools for such engaging activities.

community recruitment

Find out which parts of your culture bring you value and what parts of your work culture are hindering your company's performance.