Under the Discussions module you can initiate a live discussion with your community. You can create a real time chat or video discussion to facilitate interaction or promote engagement between community members.
How to create and schedule a Video Meeting or a Chat Room discussion?
Go to: Communities » Modules » Discussions
Click on the "New Discussion" button and fill in the below-mentioned details:
Discussion Name: Provide the name for the community discussion.
Description: Provide the description or an agenda for the call/chat discussion.
Type: Select Type as Chat Room for a live chat discussion. To conduct a video discussion, you have to select Video Meeting from the dropdown menu.
Limit Session: Toggle this on if you would like to time-bound your call/chat discussion. You would need to further provide the Start Date/Time and End Date/Time.
Filter Members: Select the criteria for call/chat. Here, if you want to have a call/chat with all the members of the community, select "Everyone", and if you want to schedule the call/chat with specific members or a group, then select the option - "Filter by Criteria", add the Criteria
Whatever criteria will be selected, you can double check the count of members who would be receiving the invites. The number is displayed above the Filter members option.
Once all the selections have been made, click on the Save button.
All the discussions (video/chat) will be listed on the page and then whichever discussion you would want to launch, click on the "Send Invite" button and all the invites will be sent out.
The filter by criteria fields ex: firstname (field) can have only 1 value (and NOT comma separated values). In case, you want to reach out to a larger specific audience, you can use the Sample Filters then.
How to differentiate a Chat Room from a Video Meeting on the discussions listing page?
Every discussion on the listing page will be marked with an icon under the title column (right before the discussion name). Based on the type of the discussion, it will be marked with a video meeting icon or a chat room icon accordingly.
What type of analysis and reporting could I generate from a live Chat Room discussion?
You can :
Download the profile information for all the participants
Download the Discussion Transcript
This transcript will be generated in the same language as the participants would have used during chat sessions.
How can I show a video during the live Chat Room session to all the participants?
Initiate a whiteboard and paste the video embed code on the whiteboard. You can also share other html/ multimedia content with the participants.
How does the Chat Room discussion look on members community portal?
How does the Video Meeting discussion look on members community portal?
How does the Video Meeting discussion look on Admin community portal?
As an admin, you can:
see the real time transcripts for the entire conversation.
bookmark specific messages by clicking on the star icon and you can quickly refer to them under Starred Tab.
record the session and download it from Discussion Recordings link.
The transcipts will be downloaded in English language ONLY for the Video Discussions
Video discussions
Does Video Meeting discussion show member email addresses when joined?
No, Video Meeting will show the username of the member during the meeting, if the username is available for the member. If the username is not available for the member, it will show as Member 1 during the meeting.
This feature is available with the following license :