You can use custom scripting to set up custom randomization. An explanation of the script and example script is below.
#set($ary = ["Q3", "Q4", "Q5", "Q6","Q7","Q8"]) #set($ary = $survey.randomizeList($ary)) #foreach( $val in $ary) $survey.branchTo("$val") #endIn the above script, in the first statement, questions Q3, Q4, Q5, Q6, Q7 and Q8 are added to a list and randomized in the second statement. Once randomized, the survey will display each question randomly.
The script for showing N out of M question randomly is shown below:
#set($ary = ["Q3", "Q4", "Q5", "Q6","Q7","Q8"]) #set($ary = $survey.randomizeList($ary, 3)) #foreach( $val in $ary) $survey.branchTo("$val") #endIn the above script, questions Q3, Q4, Q5, Q6, Q7 and Q8 are added to a list and randomized. However, only 3 of the questions will be shown to any single respondent. The set of 3 questions will be randomly selected and shown.
Block randomization allows us to group questions together and then randomly display the groups of questions to the respondent. In our example, we want to split the 6 questions into groups of 2 questions. Respondent A might see the groups in this order: block 3, block 1, block 2; Respondent B might see the groups in this order: block 1, block 3, block 2; etc.
The same type of logic is used for randomizing entire blocks of questions. We will split up the 6 questions into 3 blocks of 2 questions each (block 1 = Q3 and Q4; block 2 = Q5 and Q6; block 3 = Q7 and Q8). To set this up in the script, we will only add the first question from each block to the script. We then need to go into the survey and apply Default Branching for the last question of each block (in this example, Q4, Q6, and Q8) to the block termination question (in our example, Q9). Note: just as in the previous examples, branching for each answer does not need to be set, only the default branching option needs to be set for this to work.
#set($ary = ["Q3", "Q5", "Q7"]) #set($ary = $survey.randomizeList($ary)) #foreach( $val in $ary) $survey.branchTo("$val") #endIn the above script, questions Q3, Q4, Q5, Q6, Q7 and Q8 are added to a list and randomized. However, only 3 of the questions will be shown to any single respondent. The set of 3 questions will be randomly selected and shown.
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