A custom individual 360 survey reports to easily represent the relevant data and results in the PDF format. Individual reports are reports that contain evaluation data for one subject. These reports are designed to create high-level, aggregate visual representations of data to see how the subjects are being evaluated and rated.
How to create custom reports in 360 surveys?
Click on Analytics tab in the dashboard and go to Individual reports.
Master Design settings lets to set up a theme for the entire report. You can set up font style, and color, custom header and footer, Logos, and Page size. You can enable the page numbering, and the report logo as well.
The real time preview will be visible to you in the right side of the dashboard.You can navigate through the pages of the preview, zoom in and out the preview section, and download the PDF too.
The options you add in the section can be re-ordered by a simple drag and drop. Except the block for Master design settings, rest all of the blocks can be disabled or re-ordered.
Cover page section allows you to create a cover page for the report PDF. You can enable or disable the header and footer on the cover page, you can add the cover image, back ground image, and the content in the form of text for the cover title. You can format the text content with the help of rich content editor.
Introduction section will allow you to add the introduction and the details of the report in the PDF. The fields are provided to add the title and the description for the introduction of the report.
Summary section will you to show the summary of the report with the priority behaviors and the results represented in the table for the selected top priority behaviors. You can enable the priority column and sort the table according to priority. And, you can also enable the mean column and show the mean values. You can select the number of top priorities to be displayed in the column and the preview will generate the PDF accordingly.
You can enable the relationship icons to be displayed in the table to represent the data and enable the text description to add the content. For example, description to explain that icons indicates the relationships.
Next section is to add the details of the development results where you can add the comments provided by the respondents to help you address the priority action items. This section will appear in a report for the number of priority behaviors enabled separately with the details of the development.
Ranking by Relationship section will allow you to represent the data ranked based on the selected relatioships. You can select the relationships from the dropdown and choose the number of priority behaviors to be displayed in the ranking table. You can also add a title and a description text to explain how the results are represented in the ranking by relationship table.
Action Plan is a section that show details based on the results and feedback from the evaluatorsto create an action plan to address your top priority areas of improvement. You can select the priority behaviors to be displayed, and you can add the title and text content to describe the action plan. You can also add the declaration to be taken by the subject after evaluataion to address the areas of improvement.
Survey Respondents is a section added in the report to display a list of responses received from each group with their relationship in a table format. You can also enable the desription box and add more details to explain the responses received.
Nominated Raters section is allow you to display a list of raters you have nominated to particpate in the 360 survey. You can also enable the desription box and add more details to explain the nominations.
You can create the Report using the default given section or create a custom one by adding a new block. Click on add new block and select the type of the block from the dropdown list. You can choose a blank page to create a custom section of your own in the reports. You can select the data source for the custom section to display the data and results in the reports.
All the custom sections can be re-ordered, deleted or disabled while generating the PDF of the reports.
This feature is available with the following license :