A text report makes it simple for users to analyse and sort through the responses to open-ended survey questions. It helps in understanding and categorising the answers provided by participants.
How do I utilize text report capabilities for my workforce surveys?
Click on "Add Widget" in the Portal.
Select the “Text Report” widget
In the pop-up, enter the widget title and description, choose the survey, deployment, and questions needed for the report, and then click the "Add Widget" button.
A text report widget is added to the dashboard that shows open-ended comments. You can view up to 25 records at a time using the pagination dropdown.
To edit, duplicate, delete, or export the widget, click on the three dots (kebab menu)
Users can add more filters to the widget data using "IS" and "OR" conditions.
Users can export in PDF or Excel format.
This feature is available with the following license :