Audience Soft Launch is a feature that can be made use of by Market Researchers to launch a project to a smaller percentage of the sample to ensure that there are no errors in the survey before launching the project to 100% of the audience.
Step 1-Users can select the option to soft launch from the list of statuses available.
Step 2-Choose the percentage of the sample to whom the project should be launched. By default this value will be 10% however users will have the option to change it.
Step 3-Once you have chosen the percentage of users to launch the product to, click on “Soft Launch” on the pop-up presented.
Once 10% of the sample is collected the project will automatically pause and the user will be notified.
Go back to the status dropdown for the selected survey and select 'Live' from the list of available options.
This feature is available with the following licenses :