Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) is a crowdsourcing marketplace that makes it easier for individuals and businesses to outsource their processes and jobs to a distributed workforce who can perform these tasks virtually. This could include anything from conducting simple data validation and research to more subjective tasks like survey participation, content moderation, and more. MTurk enables companies to harness the collective intelligence, skills, and insights from a global workforce to streamline business processes, augment data collection and analysis, and accelerate machine learning development. Alternatives to MTruck for your respondent panel.- QuestionPro Audience .
Paste the survey link from QuestionPro on MTurk, you’ll want to start from the Survey Link template. This enables you to post a task (HIT) on MTurk that directs Workers to your survey.
You will be prompted to provide a name, description, and keywords for your survey, be as descriptive as possible and include an estimate of how long your survey will take. You can then specify how much you will pay for each response and the number of respondents (Workers) you want to participate in your survey.
Select Auto-Approval settings for your Project. This value tells MTurk how long to wait before automatically approving a Worker’s response. If you set this value too short, you may not leave yourself enough time to fully review Workers’ responses before they are automatically approved. If you set this value too long, Workers may become frustrated at the delay in receiving payment upon completion of the survey. Customers conducting surveys tend to find that three days is a good balance, but please adjust to suit your survey requirements.
You can do this either by providing Workers with a unique completion code or collecting a Worker’s ID in the survey itself. A unique completion code when complete you can then direct Workers to provide it in the MTurk task when they are done. You can then link the survey response to the Worker in your results. Instructions for doing this with QuestionPro are below
You may need to create a random ID for each of your respondents. This is useful if you are running a study with MTurk where you ask respondents to prove their completion with an ID. To generate a Random ID there are a few steps. First select Survey Options in the menu for your survey.
To generate a unique completion code here are a few steps. Go to the question in your survey that asks Workers for their Worker ID or email address and click on logic:
In order to Display the Embedded Data in a question click the question to edit it. Add custom code on the Thank you page, to show the unique code after completing the survey.
This feature is available with the following licenses :