Genie is a smart AI assistant designed to help users with their product usage queries by providing relevant information and guidance.
Genie appears as a chathead-like bubble on the screen. When clicked, a draggable chatbox opens up for users to type their messages or speak their questions to get answers.
Genie is available on every page of QuestionPro. It stays on the page while users interact with the software, making it easy for them to follow instructions conveniently.
Yes, Genie and the chat box both are draggable.Genie bubble will be at right or left of the screen only while chatbox can be placed anywhere on the screen.
The purpose of Genie is to assist users with any questions they may have about using the QuestionPro product.
Yes, Genie support different languages. For example: If you enter the question in Spanish. then you will get the response in Spanish.
Genie uses artificial intelligence to understand users' questions, whether typed or spoken, and provide relevant answers. Users can interact with Genie by typing their queries into the chatbox and clicking the send button, or by using the microphone button to speak their questions. The microphone button transcribes speech into text, allowing users to review and edit their query before sending it. Genie also offers a speak feature, which lets users listen to the bot's responses. To use the microphone for continuous listening, users need to hold the microphone button while speaking.
Yes, Genie can provide assistance with specific features of QuestionPro. Users can ask questions about any aspect of the product, and Genie will provide relevant information and guidance.