Report Abuse - Reporting SPAM/Phishing Abuse
Your safety comes first on QuestionPro. If something happens that makes you feel unsafe or uncomfortable, please report it.
There are two different ways to report someone on QuestionPro - via Surveys/Community and via a Email
For reporting a survey or community - "Report Abuse" page
Please refer to the Report Abuse Page to report any phishing or spam activity related to QuestionPro
Please use the above link in case if you observe any phishing activity or to report any abuse related to QuestionPro / SurveyAnalytics. Our team monitors the requests in real-time, and will get back in case more information is needed to investigate this further.
For reporting via email invites - "Report Abuse" link
Every email that goes out includes a "Report Abuse" link that email recepients can click on and report the email as SPAM. This is done to pro-actively measure and find out, in advance, when a large percentage of users report emails coming from you as SPAM.
Steps to follow if your QuestionPro account is blocked
Please contact our customer service team by Live Chat - or call -
- United States of America: +1 (800) 531 0228
- United Kingdom: +44 20 8080 9780
- Germany: +49 309 160 7401
- Australia: +61 2 8074 5080
- India: +91 866 880 3801
- UAE: +971 43 4348 03
They will investigate the matter and attempt to resolve the issue.
Things to avoid for getting invitations marked as Spam
- Only use opted in or consented to receive emails and do not purchase lists from third parties. Use our in-house Panel services instead -QuestionPro Audience
- Avoid respondent fatigue by over surveying the respondents.
- Keep email lists updated and avoid reaching out to old users who are no longer interested in your product or services.
- Do not use group email addresses such as test@ sales@ contactus@ support@, etc.
- Use plain text instead of HTML.
- Ensure your email contains quality material
- Avoid spam words like - (Buy, order, shopping, sales, income, cash, earn, employment, home-based, money, price, bucks, cents, dollars, check, cheap, charges, price, quote, etc)
- Avoid sending a large blast of emails all at once.
- Use SMTP server for better deliverability.
Note: Enterprise license level users will have a higher cap limit for their spam abuse report count.
Thank you for submitting feedback.