Card sorting question is a highly interactive question that allows your respondents to sort items into categories. The respondents can sort items by dragging and dropping them into respective categories. The items are ranked based on the order of preference.
For example, if you want your respondents to categorize a list of Hollywood movies:
The Conjuring
Due Date
Terminator: Dark Fate
Avengers: Endgame
The respondents need to define their categories then drag and drop each option into their respective categories.
What are the types of Card sorting questions available?
Card sorting question comes with two answer types - closed and open.
Closed card sorting: In closed card sorting question, a survey designer has to define the categories.
Open card sorting: In open card sorting question, survey respondents can define their categories.
You can select the answer type based on your survey needs.
How do I add open card sorting question to my survey?
To add open card sorting question:
Go to: Login » Surveys (select a survey) » Edit » Workspace.
Click on add question button.
Under advanced question types » ordering, click on card sorting question.
Card sorting question will appear.
Click on settings. Under section answer type, select open.
You can set the answer display order from the drop-down options:
Random (with the option to apply a specific number of randomization to overall answer options)
Advanced randomization
Add option: Click here to add answer options.
Edit options in bulk: You can add options in bulk.
Validation: When you add questions to a survey, by default, validation option is turned off. When validation option is not enabled, respondents can continue with the survey without selecting answers. If respondents go through all the pages in the survey without selecting answers, the response is still considered as complete. By enabling validation option you can see a drop-down with options - force response and request response.
Force response option makes a question mandatory/required, as shown in the above image.
When you select request response, the respondent gets a pop-up in case a question is not answered, requesting to answer the question or continue survey without answering.
How does open card sorting question type work?
Open card sorting:
Here, the respondents need to drag answer options one-by-one from the left-hand side box into the box "drop an item here to create a new category" on the right-hand side. A new box will be created below. Respondent have to name the category as shown in the above image. For example:
Respondents need to drag "The Conjuring" into red box - "drop in item here to create a new category". Respondents have to name the new category as "horror" in the grey text box. Now, they can drag and drop horror movies from the answer options into the horror category.
Similarly, respondents need to drag other movie titles into red box - "drop in item here to create a new category" if they want to create a new category and name the category as applicable. Now, they can drag and drop remaining movie titles from the answer options into their respective categories.
How do I view the report for card sorting question?
To view the report for card sorting question:
Go to: Login » Surveys (select a survey) » Analytics » Dashboard
Here, you can see the categories created by the respondents - comedy, horror and action and their respective movies.
You can see count and percentage of the responses received for each item and its average ranking.
Can I download the Card Sorting data in any format?
Yes. With QuestionPro, you can download the data in Excel format by clicking on ‘Download’ button as shown below:
Using open card sorting and close card sorting with QuestionPro
This feature is available with the following license :