Active session timeout period for a survey is 60 minutes.
Every time a respondent answers a question and moves to the next question or page by clicking on the submit button, it is considered an activity on the survey. If respondents stop responding or interacting with the survey, the inactivity period timer is started. After 45 mins of inactivity where there is no interaction with the survey, we will present a popup with a warning for 15 min countdown to session end. If respondent interact with the survey within 15 mins from the warning by answering questions and clicking on submit, the inactivity timer will be restarted. If respondents do not interact, and the inactive period exceeds 60 minutes, the session will end.For survey invitations sent via QuestionPro email distribution with survey tracking link, respondents can resume the survey from where the session was timed out.
For anonymous survey URL and untracked responses, an incomplete response will be saved. Respondents can if they wish answer the survey again and a new response ID will be generated.Active session is set to 60 minutes and cannot be changed.
Yes, 15 minutes before timeout a Warning will be given to the respondents.
The Respondents will get timed out only if there is no activity on the Survey. If a Survey was opened multiple times or in multiple windows please ask the Respondents to close all windows. Clear out Cookies and open the Survey in a new window.